

At Kings Priory School staff will report any safeguarding concerns to the Pastoral and Safeguarding teams using the Safeguarding system CPOMS. However, it is important that parents and pupils also have a method by which to raise a concern. This can be done either through the relevant school contact information or by sending an email to the links below.

If you would like to speak to a member of the Pastoral or Safeguarding team regarding a concern please use the relevant school contact telephone number as detailed below and your call will be directed to a designated member of the Safeguarding team.

First School Telephone 0191 2589150

Middle School Telephone 0191 2589103

Senior School Telephone 0191 2589118

If you would prefer to report a Safeguarding or Online Safety concern by email please use the links below. These email addresses are to be used for this type of concern only and will be directed to a relevant, trained member of staff.

What is a safeguarding concern?

All young people deserve to remain safe. On occasions young people will be in a situation where this is not the case. A safeguarding concern can be many different things but, if you feel that the concern you have can be categorised as the following, then please report it as a safeguarding concern:

  • Neglect
  • Physical Abuse
  • Emotional abuse
  • Sexual Abuse

Do not worry if you feel you are unsure about whether this constitutes safeguarding as the staff who receive this email will be able to determine who best to deal with the issue.

Reporting a safeguarding concern

Please include the following details in the email to enable us to address any issues arising as swiftly as possible:

  • Name of child the safeguarding concern relates to
  • Details of the safeguarding concern
  • Year group of pupil (if known)
  • Names of any other pupils involved
  • Your details and contact in order for us to request further information, if required.
  • Click here to report a safeguarding concern.

What is an Online Safety concern?

An E-Safety concern is one which involves digital technology. In an age where digital technology is always developing it is important that young people feel safe in the digital world. Online Safety concerns can include the following, but this list is not exhaustive:

  • Cyber bullying
  • Cyber grooming
  • Inappropriate use of mobile technology
  • Abuse of photo technology
  • Sexting

If you are unsure whether your concern constitutes an Online Safety concern please reference our Online and Safeguarding Policy or attached information to help you decide.

Reporting an Online Safety Concern

When reporting an Online Safety concern please use the link below giving the following details in the email in order to allow us to address the issue appropriately:

  • Name of child the Online safety concern relates to
  • Details of the Online safety concern
  • Year group of pupil (if known)
  • Names of any other pupils involved
  • Your details and contact in order for us to request further information, if required.
  • Click here to report and Online Safety Concern.


Other useful contacts:

North Tyneside Front Door Service 0345 2000 109 (unless it is an emergency)

In the case of a child being at immediate risk of harm please call 999 or 101.

Contact the Front Door Service if you need help or advice about a child?

  • You can get advice and guidance

  • Be directed to relevant services - including family support, early years and disability.

  • Report concerns about a child.

  • Access to professionals from North Tyneside Council, Health, Police, Early Years and Disability services.

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